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Starseed Portraits

Are you a starseed?

It's time to finally uncover that part of you.


A channeled starseed portrait is a custom painting of your starseed self - as channeled by me 🪐

This artwork will be created by tapping into your energy and using my galactic intuition.

Through the visions and sensations I receive when you share your experiences, and entering a state of flow... I paint. So that you can access that part of you that has been tucked away for so long.



Here are examples of other starseeds who had their portrait painted 

Wise Shaman of Lyra

One of the first generations living on Lyra, she lived in prairies and was the healer for her community. Not as feline as her sweet little cub and leaning towards more human.

It's fascinating to see how this lifetime shows up in this client's life today - also a healer, with a lineage of working with plant medicine.

Portrait of Amanda 🌿
Instagram: @the_trauma_shift




A Lyran who works for the Galactic Federation of Light. She has long furry ears, with golden fur and a strong connection to Egypt (she wears an Egyptian headpiece as well).

Her majestic presence is firmly loving and her wisdom ancient.

Portrait of Monet Combs 🐈
Instagram: @thestarseedawakener



A Girl with Dragons

As I attuned to this client energy and to the frequency of their experiences, dragons and pink bubblegum were the strongest, most vibrant and most resonant visions.

The clouds and dreamy atmosphere, and of course, the girl... and so, this painting was the one meant to be born.

Portrait of Marielle Amistad 🌸
Instagram: @_marielle.amistad_



What you'll receive

A complete energetic and illustrated portrait of your starseed self: could be a past, future or parallel life. This painting will serve as a gateway for you to connect and further nurture the relationship you have with this part of you - leading into further galactic identity integration.




Your artwork will be created with your specific energetic imprint, and no other artwork will ever be the same. Even for starseeds from the same planet/origin, will have different energies. Each soul and fractal is unique, and so is your portrait.

Hand crafted

Painted by hand by me, using acryla gouache and colored pencils on high-quality paper.

Afterwards, the artwork is scanned, where I'll paint and make further adjustments as a digital version of the painting.

Galactic Portal

A Channeled Starseed Portrait is more than a painting. It is a portal - use it with intention and you will greatly expand your consciousness. Enhance the connection with your starseed self anytime you want, and achieve greater galactic integration of your human identity.


Your artwork will be personally signed by me, Inês Merino, the artist. This way you can be sure that your artwork is unique and certified as created by a starseed artist.

Print & Web Ready Versions

Once all the finishing touches are done, I'll prepare and export several versions so you can print your portrait in high quality, and also have a lower resolution version that you can share on your social media.

Digital Download

It's time to receive your starseed portrait!
Everything will be sent as a digital download to your email. Print and frame it, showcase it on your social media and website, use it as wallpaper - the options are endless.



What are people saying:


"Thank you so much for this!"